Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I found Poetry in the Moving Sardines Can

The product of bilingualism.
In a Metro by the Station 
[for Ezra Pound]

As late afternoon slides
into early evening, a rush
of faces blossoms into view,
a bouquet of wilting flowers
thirsting for rest or rain.

—Ralph Semino Galán

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

For your eyes only

It's downpour only now.
I won't give up on us,
I'm giving you all my love.

God knows we're worth it—
the pain, the sacrifice, the tears.
This may be a great storm,
but how great it could be
that after the storm,
we are at the opposite ends
of the rainbow? I'll meet you there.

And when you come closer,
I will never ever let you go,
not even once.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

I Breathe You

You are the only other half that makes me whole.


It is true, it is what my heart is saying.

You are my air.
The love I have found in you is a life
that throbs all through my veins and skin.


I breathe you, like water for trees,
music for the soul, honey for bees.

Nothing could compare how
your love has transformed me.
I was crippled and now I can walk.
I was blind and you made me see.
I was dumb and now I am bright.
It was you who made me well.

You taught me how to love.
And now I know how to love,
this love should only be with
one human being.
It was you,
and is you,
until He takes this life away.
